Product Description
BPI Building Analyst Technician Kit
This kit is designed to meet the requirements for certified BPI Building Analyst Technicians. Package includes:
- Minneapolis Model 3 Blower Door with DG-1000 #TECBD3-KIT-001
- Testo 310 II - Flue gas analyzer #T0563310401
- Sensit® HXG-2d Combustible Gas Detector with LEL display #SE9060000008
- Sensorcon Inspector Low-Level Carbon Monoxide Detector & CO Meter #SCINS-COXX-01
- Minneapolis Exhaust Flow Fan Meter #TECEXFANMETER
- Small Pressure Pan #TECPP
- Large Pressure Pan #TECPRESSPANLG
- Regin® Smoke Pencil #REGS220
- Spillage Inspection Mirror #BUS2
*Kits may be customized as you like - call (800) 895-4916*